With this CLOUDlending campaign we, De Woonwolk, hope to supplement the last bit of finances to realize the construction of our shared dream house in Amsterdam Noord. A complex with 53 apartments, shared spaces, a shared garden and open roof terrace. 

A building that enables its residents and the neighborhood to live according to the three core values of De Woonwolk: sustainability, community spirit and art & culture.

Our vision

We would like to continue living in Amsterdam, even if it means building our own house. Together with you, we create both figuratively and literally an environment that sees residents not primarily as tenants, but as people who are connected by the building they live in. Laughing & crying together. By giving co-creation & slow-living a central place in the building, we can give expression to what is in our hearts.

Read the action plan here.

Investing in the future

De Woonwolk is part of a new housing movement: as a housing cooperative, we offer a social alternative to Amsterdam's increasingly tight housing market. As a cooperative we have no profit motive. De Woonwolk will invest future rental income in the dream houses of new housing cooperatives. This is how we make living in the capital accessible again from collective strength. Will you also invest in this asset for Amsterdam?

Take a look at our information booklet.